Beautiful, glowing skin is something that all of us desire. While genetics plays a very important role in determining our skin health, our daily routine and lifestyle also have a strong impact on the appearance of our skin. Morning time is the best time to nurture and pamper your skin, as it is the time that sets the tone for the rest of your day. People who have healthy, glowing skin do not always possess a pot of the magical elixir that keeps them fresh and young. They in fact follow a simple routine every morning. With a bit of dedication and a dash of patience, you too can achieve healthy, glowing skin. Read along to learn four easy early morning habits of people with glowing skin, which can be adopted by you too!

The secret to great skin lies in treating it right early in the morning. People with naturally healthy and beautiful skin follow a common routine which is so basic that you will be surprised reading them. 

  • Hydration Is Key

    Water is the most important thing for the organs of our body, including the skin. When you wake up in the morning, your body is waking up from 7 hours of going without water. It is essential to replenish the water levels. This helps to kickstart your metabolism and support your skin's natural functions. Here is the right way to go about hydrating your body-
  • Start your day with a glass of lukewarm water. Instead of reaching for the usual cup of coffee or tea, opt for a glass of water instead. This helps not only in hydrating your body and skin but also in flushing out toxins and jumpstarting your metabolism. Squeeze in half a lemon for added benefits of taste and detoxification. You can also choose from green tea and coconut juice to get the extra taste and appeal along with the benefits.
  • Once you clean your face in the morning, use a hydrating facial mist or a toner with ingredients like hyaluronic acid. This helps to replenish the moisture and also locks it in the skin, preparing it for the wear and tear of the day ahead. This step also helps in maintaining the pH balance of the skin and prevents dullness and dryness from creeping inside
  • The Good Old CTM

    A good morning skincare routine is not something that you can skip if you want great skin. Do not fret, all you have to do is follow the regular Cleansing, Toning and Moisturising routine. Make sure you use products that are effective, but gentle at the same time.

  • Cleansing- When you wake up in the morning, your skin is free of the previous day's makeup, dirt and grime. Do not subject it to a vigorous cleaning process. Use gentle, cream-based cleansers that are made with mild, natural ingredients. 
  • Toning- Once your face is clean and dry, follow it up with a good cleanser. Choose a cleanser that is alcohol-free, as it tends to dry out your skin over the course of the day. Opt for a toner which is rich in hydrating ingredients like hyaluronic acid that helps to intensely moisturise your skin.
  • Moisturising- Follow the cleaning and toning with moisturising. Opt for a wholesome, replenishing moisturiser that will keep your skin hydrated and supple. Ingredients like green tea extracts and aloe vera are wonderful moisturisers.
  • Avoid Exfoliation

    Exfoliation is helpful to remove the uppermost layer of the skin which consists of dead and damaged cells. However, it is not advisable to exfoliate in the morning. If you have been exfoliating in the morning, stop and switch to the nighttime. 
  • Sun Protection

    The harmful rays of the sun can damage the skin to a great extent. It can cause premature ageing and even skin cancer. You can develop dark spots, hyperpigmentation, fine lines and wrinkles if exposed to harsh skin. Hence one of the most important aspects of skin care is sun protection. Once you are done with the cleaning and moisturising, apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen of SPF 30 and above over your face, neck and other exposed areas. Apply the sunscreen without fail, even on days when the sun is not shining. Sunscreens tend to lose their effectiveness over time. Hence you need to keep reapplying sunscreen several times a day.
  • Healthy Breakfast Choices 

What you eat reflects outwardly on your skin. When you eat healthy, fresh food it is reflected as glowing, flawless skin. When you eat a lot of unhealthy, junk food it reflects dirty, aged skin. As we all know, breakfast is the most important meal of the day and it is important to eat the right foods at breakfast to ensure that your body as well as the skin gets a boost in the right direction. Start your day with a nutritious breakfast that supports glowing skin. 

  • Antioxidants

    Foods that are rich in vitamins A and C are rich in antioxidants. These antioxidants are essential to neutralise the free radicals that cause a lot of damage to the skin. Include a lot of berries, nuts, seeds, oranges and papayas in your breakfast.
  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids

    Omega-3 fatty acids maintain the skin's elasticity and moisture. These are obtained from foods like chia seeds, flaxseeds and salmon. Including foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids ensures that your skin stays hydrated and supple.
  • Hydration

    In addition to drinking water, your skin needs some extra amount of hydration. Foods like watermelon and cucumber are naturally rich in water content. Include them in your breakfast to give your skin that extra boost of hydration.
  • Break A Sweat

    Regular exercising, preferably in the fresh, open air works wonders for your skin. It is a great way to rid your body of the toxins through perspiration. Exercising also promotes blood supply to the various organs, including the skin. This ensures that all the vital nutrients are delivered to your skin, giving it that fresh glow.  The icing on the cake is the fact that exercising promotes the synthesis of collagen, the enzyme that is single-handedly responsible for maintaining elasticity and suppleness and giving the skin a youthful look.

Achieving a flawless, glowing complex need not be a daunting task. It is not a time-consuming and complex endeavour. All you need to do is follow some basic skincare routine like hydrating well, cleansing, toning, moisturising and sun protection, eating the right foods and exercising regularly. With a bit of patience and dedication, you can achieve your desired complexion easily. Your skin is a reflection of your overall health. So treat it with some consideration and love and nourish it from the inside and outside to get the best results.